Essay 1: Emphasize Working with Sources
First or second day of class:
Play Reading to Write PPT and do the associated worksheet with students (15-20 minutes).
Between the day you hand out the Essay 1 assignment and the day they submit Essay 1 first draft
Play Choosing and Formatting Quotations PPT (15-20 minutes) and the Introducing and Analyzing Quotations PPT (15-20 minutes).
Tip: you could ask students to bring list of quotations they’ll use in Essay 1 to class this day, plus rough outline of draft.
The day Essay 1 first draft is due:
Ask students to bring their first drafts to class.
In class, put students with a partner and ask them to do the Using Sources Peer Review exercise (30-45 minutes). If you run out of time in class, you can ask them to finish it at home and bring it back the next class day.
Essay 2: Emphasize Thesis Statements
The day you hand out the Essay 2 assignment (or at least before they submit the Essay 2 first draft):
Play the Thesis Statements: What They Are and What to Avoid PPT (7 minutes), then lead them through the Generating a Thesis Statement exercise (35 minutes).
Before they submit the Essay 2 first draft:
Play the Strategies and Templates for Building a Strong Thesis Statement PPT (15 minutes). Ideally, give them five minutes to revise their thesis statement based on the presentation.
Tip: It would be helpful to ask students to bring a provisional thesis statement to class, plus either a detailed outline or the first two pages of Essay 2.
The day the Essay 2 first draft is due:
Ask students to bring their Essay 2 first draft to class. In class, ask them to do the Thesis Statement Review and Self-Evaluation (25 minutes). If time, ask them to review each other’s thesis statements and give feedback.
Essay 3: Emphasize Organization
Between the day you hand out the Essay 3 assignment and the day the Essay 3 first draft is due:
Show the Topic Sentences and Body Paragraphs (MEAL Plan) PPT (20-25 minutes) and discuss the MEAL Plan practice worksheet (10-15 minutes).
Before the Essay 3 first draft is due
Show the Strong Conclusions PPT (15 minutes) and, if time, ask them to brainstorm ideas for their conclusion.
Tip: it will be helpful to ask students to bring a provisional thesis statement and either a detailed outline or the first two pages of Essay 3 to class this day.
The day Essay 3 first draft is due:
Show the Revising for Better Organization PPT (5 minutes) and ask students to do the Organization Revision Exercise (25 minutes without Step 8; 45 minutes with Step 8).
Tip: If this is impossible because you don’t hold class the day the first draft is due, you can ask students to watch the PPT and complete the exercise on their own.