Honor Societies, Student Achievements and Awards
Membership Criteria for Alpha Kappa Delta, International Sociology Honor
* Junior or senior
* Anthropology & Sociology Major or Sociology Minor
* Minimum 3.3 Overall GPA
* Minimum 12 credits in SOC and/or ANSO courses (note that you may have enrolled
as, say, ENV in a SOC/ENV course; that would count as SOC)
*Minimum 3.0 GPA in SOC and/or ANSO courses
Note: For purposes of determining whether you have taken the minimum number of
courses in SOC and/or ANSO and have the minimum GPA in SOC and/or ANSO, you
should count all the SOC and ANSO courses you have taken, excluding ANSO 381 and
ANSO 382. ANTH courses don’t count for purposes of membership in Alpha Kappa
Anthropology and Sociology majors have been recepients of the following: