By the Numbers

Prevention and Advocacy strives to ensure all our efforts are evidence-based and all our strategies are data-driven. We continually assess our campus environment to identify educational gaps and address trends as they arise.   

Our goal is to empower students to Rethink That Next Drink and become a community of independent, responsible, thoughtful leaders.

Perception of non drinkers .6% - actual non-drinkers 23% The above image is from the American College Health Association (ACHA) National College Health Assessment which was most recently completed on campus in Spring 2021. Click here to see the full report which highlights student’s behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions around all things health and wellness: ACHA Institutional Report.  

Highlights from the report include:

  • 85% of student respondents have NOT blacked out from alcohol in the last year
  • 82% of student respondents who are Certified Event Directors have 0 drinks when they are serving in their role as Event Director
  • 72% of student respondents utilize the safety skill of staying hydrated when drinking by alternating drinks with water or other non-alcoholic beverages
  • 70% of student respondents who consume alcohol reported to having 0-4 drinks the last time they drank alcohol
  • 65% of student respondents utilize the safety skill of avoiding drinking games in order to pace themselves when drinking 
  • 2% of student respondents identified as in recovery from a substance

The Community Standards on Alcohol and other Substances (CSAS) Committee is made up of 20+ engaged faculty, staff, and students who work to gather and review data on campus to help make recommendations to the College to improve the campus culture. The CSAS Committee will host The Inaugural Impact of Substances Summit for all of campus in early spring 2022 to share the data they’ve reviewed and the recommendations they’ve made since their inception in 2019. ____________________________________________________________________________________

UC collaborates with EverFi, Inc. to ensure all incoming students receive education on a variety of health and wellness topics via online modules. Aggregate data is collected via these modules to help inform the services and programs provided to students.

Click each link below to view the 2020-2021 Impact Report from first-year students:

rethink that next drink. 72% who drink alcohol alternate with water.

The Biennial Review is required to be completed by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) every two years and is meant to evaluate the consistency and impact of an institution’s drug and alcohol prevention program (DAAPP). Ursinus College has a committee who works together to prepare this document every two years.

Click below to see the two most recent Biennial Reviews for Ursinus College.



UC something, you say something. 85% have not blacked out from alcohol. Black outs are caused by ...

Ursinus College is a part of the Montgomery County Coalition: Opioid Overdose Prevention Program (MCCOOPP). Their Spring 2021 survey for all colleges in Montgomery County, of which Ursinus took part, found the following:

  • 43% of students reported not drinking in the past 30 days
  • 80.7% of students reported not using marijuana in the past 30 days