Ursinus College prepares students to communicate effectively, think globally, solve problems creatively and reflect analytically. An Ursinus education produces engaged, successful alumni who will add value to your organization.
Ursinus is a prestigious national liberal arts college educating undergraduate students since 1869. The heart of our educational philosophy is that deep and consequential learning results from a program of personalized and rigorous education.
97% of UC students are employed or in graduate/professional school six months after graduation.
Students come from 34 states and 20 countries. 22% of the College’s 1500 students are students of color.
Ursinus offers over 60 courses of study, including a variety of exciting interdisciplinary fields of study.
Students are active in more than 100 student organizations on campus, including 11 sport clubs, 21 honorary societies (such as Phi Beta Kappa), 13 Service clubs, 3 religious groups, and 13 fraternities and sororities.
Experiences Abroad
Approximately 25% of Ursinus students study abroad by the time they graduate.
In addition to Western Europe, students pursue international experience in many non-traditional destinations including Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Students develop marketable job skills by integrating and complementing their academic studies with on-the-job professional level experience.
94% of Ursinus students who participate in internships report that they are better prepared to enter the world of work after their internship experience.
Unique Skill-building Opportunities
The Ursinus curriculum is rigorous, involving writing and quantitative reasoning in every major.
The Center for Science and The Common Good offers students the opportunity to focus on the intersection of science and society.
The nationally renowned First-Year Experience features the Common Intellectual Experience (CIE) Freshmen Seminar which fosters the essential skills of critical reading, effective speaking and clear writing.
The Experiential Learning Project (XLP) requires students to take responsibility for their education and fosters initiative and independence by completion of an independent research or creative project, an internship, a study abroad program or student teaching.
Ursinus students exhibit proficiency with technology that applies across industries.
Handshake is a career management system where employers can:
Throughout the academic year, there are opportunities for you to engage with Ursinus students on campus.
We offer the opportunity to come to campus to participate in information tables, information sessions, on-campus interviews, and more.
Please contact Sam Harvey, Assistant Director for Employer Relations to further discuss engagement opportunities.
The Employer Advisory Board consists of employer representatives from a variety of career fields, including the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. Some will be alumni of Ursinus and others will not. Board Members serve in a volunteer capacity. Membership on the Employer Advisory Board is by invitation only.