Click here for a list of recent grant applicants. See examples below for advice from different fields of study.
Rebecca Lyczak (Biology)
Structure your research strategy to avoid reviewer red flags
Specific aims are not dependent on one another
Results are interesting even if they refute your hypothesis
You have preliminary data
You have experience with the techniques or have a collaborator who does
Specific Aim
Feasibility and expected results
Potential problems/alternative approaches and future directions
Nzadi Keita (English and Creative Writing)
The Grant: These questions inform immediate next steps
List the pros and cons
Identify precedents/evaluate accomplishments: What are the trends in who wins and who judges? How wide is the potential applicant pool? How will my work be viewed?
Does the process require letters of recommendation (no one wants that)?
What is the origin of the funding?
Who is on the staff and board?
To hear extended explanation from Nzadi Keita, continue here.