Departmental Liaisons

LIT’s librarian/instructional technology liaison program is an integral part of our connection to teaching and learning at Ursinus.

Our liaison program facilitates collaboration with faculty in various ways, such as:

  1. Each librarian has responsibility for information literacy in several programs.
  2. Librarians work with faculty and staff to integrate information literacy into academic programs in an appropriate way.
  3. Embedded librarians participate in all or part of a course for the purpose of working with students on research projects at the appropriate time during the semester.
  4. Librarians work with faculty to design appropriate assignments that effectively use library resources.
  5. Librarians help programs develop ways of assessing information literacy outcomes among their students.
  6. Librarians make presentations about information literacy in order to keep the campus community informed about national trends and new approaches.
  7. The instructional technology staff respond to requests from all departments, but focuses on courses where technology has great potential to enhance teaching and learning.
Librarian Liaisons
American Studies Kerry Gibson
Anthropology & Sociology Kerry Gibson
Art & Art History Kerry Gibson
Biology Stephen Buss
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BCMB) Stephen Buss
Business & Economics Kerry Gibson
CIE Diane Skorina
Chemistry Stephen Buss
Education Kerry Gibson
English Kerry Gibson
Environment and Sustainability Stephen Buss
Health Sciences Stephen Buss
History Kerry Gibson
Math, Computer Science & Statistics Stephen Buss
Media & Communication Studies Kerry Gibson
Modern Languages Kerry Gibson
Music Kerry Gibson
Neuroscience Kerry Gibson
Philosophy & Religious Studies Andy Prock
Physics & Astronomy Stephen Buss
Politics & IR Kerry Gibson
Psychology Kerry Gibson
Theater & Dance Kerry Gibson