
The Berman Museum of Art is an active learning environment committed to exploring ways that objects, exhibitions, and community art-making can deepen our understanding of the world.

As an academic art museum on a liberal arts campus, we facilitate multiple interdisciplinary points of access for college students and faculty, K-12 educators, families, and members of our community. Our exhibitions and programs serve visitors of all ages throughout the year, and admission is always free.


Woman admires sculpture at a Berman Opening Reception.


All are welcome to visit the Berman Museum of Art during its open hours for a self-led tour through the exhibitions. The museum is open Tuesday through Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. To arrange a guided tour, complete the adjacent form. 


The Berman’s classroom is available on a limited basis for museum visits and can accommodate up to 40 people. To request works of art not currently on view for use with a class, contact Catherine Sirizzotti, Collections Manager.

Works on Paper Study Room

The Works on Paper Study Room can accommodate groups of up to 10 people for seminar-style classes or meetings and provides access to the museum’s collection of more than 3,500 prints, drawings, and photographs. To schedule an appointment to study works on paper, contact Catherine Sirizzotti, Collections Manager.

Two friends look at art in the Works on Paper Room.Ursinus College and the Berman Museum permitte...

Rights and Reproduction

For permission to reproduce images of artworks from the Berman’s collection, please download and review our Rights, Reproduction, and Permissions Policy.

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