Ursi Archive: Volume 1

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Ursinus Research, Scholarship & Inquiry Archive
Volume 1

Ursinus College faculty are on the cutting-edge of new and innovative research. Our scholars apply their expertise to a range of contemporary topics while viewing them through a unique lens.  Because we are a liberal arts institution, we have license to break the boundaries of
conventional scholarship in ways that maximize its impact.

New Research Frontier Story

New Research Frontiers

By Kurt Pfitzer

The Scientists


Media Influencers


The storytellers


Ursi Lightning Lectures Red Logo


Ann Karreth, Politics
100 Years of the 19th Amendment
Jennifer King, Neuroscience
Understanding Neurogenerative Disorders
Jennifer VanGilder, Business & Economics
The Economics of Attractiveness
Denise Finney, Biology
Optimizing Ecosystems to Enhance Sustainability
Ryan Walvoord, Chemistry
Let There Be Light