Rights and Services
All Students have the right:
- To report the Sexual Violence to the Title IX Coordinator, Dean of Students’ Office, Campus Safety, a Peer Advocate, and law enforcement.
- To be afforded all rights as defined under the Ursinus College Student Code of Conduct
- To consideration of academic needs (make-up privileges, etc.) which may result.
- To have access to the College Wellness Center and Campus Safety.
- To consideration of a trained support person which entails any advisor of their choosing to accompany them through the College and/or criminal court proceedings.
- To a safe environment which may include a change of College residence until proceedings have been completed.
Complainants and Respondents have the right:
- To be present or absent during the College conduct proceedings.
- To consideration of a trained support person to accompany them through the College adjudication process, which would include any advisor of the complainant’s or respondent’s choosing.
- To be notified of the outcome of the College adjudicative process and/or criminal court proceedings.
- To be free from intimidation, harassment, and retaliation.
- To request assistance of a Campus Peer Advocate for conduct proceedings or personal needs. The Peer Advocates provide support and guidance for any campus member who is dealing with a personal issue of sexual misconduct.
Complainants Have the Additional Right:
- To protection from any reference to past sexual history in the College proceedings.
- To maintain control of the extent to which they want to pursue College proceedings.
- To receive a list of available supportive measures in writing.
Services Offered for Complainant and Respondent
- Access to counseling services and assistance in setting up an initial appointment, on and off campus; including but not limited to the Wellness Center or Victim Services Center for the Complainant
- Imposition of an on-campus “no-contact directive”;
- Rescheduling of exams and assignments;
- Providing alternative course completion options;