Diversity Statement

Ursinus College is committed to the celebration of and respect for human diversity.

Diversity Statement

We believe that human beings derive meaning and purpose through their common bonds as well as their uniqueness as individuals. While engaging with difference can be difficult and uncomfortable, intellectual and personal growth is enhanced by acknowledging, understanding and embracing the similarities and differences among groups and individuals.

The celebration of, and respect for, human diversity at Ursinus is based on the following:

  • The unique ideas, perspectives and life experiences of individuals from diverse backgrounds enrich the intellectual and social openness of the College.
  • Diversity is essential in fulfilling the foundation of Ursinus College’s mission to prepare students “to live creatively and usefully, and to provide leadership for their society in an interdependent world.”
  • Individuals whose education has been grounded on mutual understanding and the affirmation of the value of human diversity are best prepared to contribute to the making of a just and equitable society.

This statement on human diversity informs and guides the Ursinus College community as it establishes and implements educational and administrative policies and practices.

  • Institute for Inclusion and Equity

    Tel: 610-409-3653
    Wismer Center, Lower Level
    Email the Office