Room Selection & Lottery
All accounts must be reconciled with Student Financial Services in order to participate in the Room Selection process. All students will receive information regarding room selection processes and procedures during the spring semester.
Room Occupancy Policies
- Only students who are enrolled full-time at the college may occupy a room.
- A student who is no longer enrolled full-time at the college must remove all personal effects from the residence halls and return residence hall keys within 24 hours.
- If a student is living in a room that is not completely filled (i.e. has vacant beds), the Residence Life Office may fill this vacancy at any time. Students with vacancies in their rooms are expected to work with Residence Life staff to fill the vacancy as quickly as possible.
- There will be no refund of room charges to a student who withdraws, is suspended, or is dismissed from college during a term or to a student who remains in college but changes from resident to commuter status.
- Students agree to refrain from using or permitting the use of any portion of the premises for any purpose other than as an orderly study and living area, to keep the premises in a clean and sanitary condition, and to comply with all College policies, police regulations, laws and health procedures with respect to the premises.
- The college reserves the right to change or cancel room assignments of students in the interest of health, security, discipline, improvement of the educational environment, or the general welfare of students.
- The college reserves the right to impose certain restrictions including but not limited to restrictions on where or with whom students live, in the interest of health, security, discipline, improvement of the educational environment, or the general welfare of students.
Room Assignments & Room Changes
Room changes may not occur during the first and last 2 weeks of each semester. Additional room change restrictions may occur during the Room Selection period. Any student requesting a room change must first discuss the need for a change with the RA. The RA will attempt to resolve conflicts occurring between roommates. If the need persists, the Residence Life professional staff will address the concerns. Any room change made without permission and written confirmation from the Residence Life Office will be considered an unauthorized room change. Disciplinary action may result from unauthorized room changes or violations of the Room Selection and Room Occupancy policies.