Property Loss & Damage
Individual Property Loss and Damage
The College shall not be directly or indirectly liable for loss or theft of any personal property of students or their guests or for damage or destruction of such property by fire, water, or any other cause. Occupants of all residence halls are advised to procure personal insurance against such eventualities. Each student should keep a record of the identifying serial numbers carried on all personal property. Students are discouraged from keeping large sums of money or irreplaceable items in the residence halls. Any loss or theft should be reported immediately to Campus Safety. In the case of theft, students should notify the police and file a report.
Common Area & Building Damages & Repairs
The exterior of buildings and other public areas may not be decorated without permission from Residence Life. Residents will be held responsible for repair to buildings and furnishings in public areas beyond that due to ordinary wear. Charges will be made upon determination of the cost of repairs or replacement and will be levied as follows: to an individual who accepts responsibility for the damage; or to the occupants of the room where the damage occurred when individual responsibility is not assumed; or to all occupants of a floor or hall for damages to corridor walls, doors, closets, kitchens, lounges, and bathrooms on that floor or hall, except when direct responsibility is assumed. Facilities and Residence Life Staff conduct periodic inspections. Students are encouraged to share information about the source of common area and building damages with the Residence Life staff whenever possible.