Myrin Library Policies

Students are required to show their I.D. to borrow all library materials.

The loan period for library books is 30 days. A renewal of another 30 days is allowed as long as there are no holds placed against the book. Students requiring the use of library books for a longer period should email to request a longer loan period.

Materials received through InterLibrary Loan have special loan periods that vary depending on the policies of the lending institution. Renewals can be requested by logging into your library account from the library website, though not all requests will be granted. More information about interlibrary loan can be found on the Interlibrary Loan webpage.

The loan period for DVDs, audiobooks, and videos is 1 week. No renewals are allowed. Longer borrowing periods are permitted only for research and per faculty approval.

Reserve materials circulate for 2 hours at a time and must remain in the library.

Information about other policies is available from the library’s website.