Student Conduct Record
The College maintains student conduct records as part of student education records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C.S. §1232g (FERPA). Students may request to review their student conduct record by contacting the Office of the Dean of Students, in writing.
No earlier than 7 years following the resolution of any conduct case (including fulfillment of any relevant sanctions), a student’s conduct record may be purged in accordance with campus procedures if there is no longer an administrative value to the record and the individual’s relationship to the campus has ended.
Student conduct records will be disclosed only with written consent of the eligible student or the student’s parents (if student is under 18 years of age), except as otherwise allowed pursuant to FERPA and its implementing regulations. The following contains a non-exhaustive list of situations where disclosures of records without consent may be appropriate:
- To other College officials within the institution when there is a legitimate educational interest in the information in order to exercise or complete their responsibilities on behalf of the institution;
- Records related to behavior that poses a significant risk to the safety or well-being of that student, other students, or other members of the College community; including as part of emergency response, emergency notification, timely warning, or other notifications as required by law;
- To college officials, including officials at other institutions, who have legitimate educational interests in the student’s education record (this includes release of records to another institution where the student seeks to enroll or has enrolled, in relation to a behavioral risk or threat assessment);
- Regarding any violation of any Federal, State, or local law, or of any rule or policy of the institution governing the use or possession of alcohol or controlled substance to a parent or legal guardian of a student if the student is under the age of 21 and the institution determines that the student has committed a code violation with respect to such use or possession;
- In cases where the behaviors in question may also constitute a crime of violence (as described in the Clery Act), the complainant will be informed of the outcome, including the determination of responsibility, rationale, and sanction(s); or
Final results (the name of the student, the nature of the violation committed, and the sanction(s) imposed) of the student conduct process for any student who is found in violation of a College policy that is also determined to be a “crime of violence,” may be released publicly as required by the Clery Act.