
Sanctions are designed to promote the College’s educational mission, promote safety and deter students from behavior that harms, harasses, or threatens people or property. More than one sanction may be imposed in a case. Some or all of the following factors are considered when determining what sanctions are appropriate in a particular case:

  • The nature of the violation(s)
  • Prior findings of responsibility and sanction(s)
  • Mitigating circumstances surrounding the violation
  • The student’s motivation(s) for engaging in the behavior
  • Impacts of the behavior
  • Sanctions which have been imposed in similar cases in the past
  • The developmental and educational impact on the student

Standard Sanctions

Standard sanctions pertain to a student’s relationship with the College and provide a form of consistency in responding to acts of misconduct. One or more of these is usually issued when a student has been found responsible for violating this Code:

Disciplinary Warning – written notice to the student that the behavior is not acceptable at Ursinus College and that additional incidents may result in more severe sanctions. A Disciplinary Warning is placed in the student conduct file and is not reflected on an academic transcript.

Disciplinary Probation – a period of time (which may be indefinite) during which a student is under warning that any other violation of College policy will result in more severe sanctions, which may include suspension or dismissal. While on Disciplinary Probation the student may be ineligible to hold leadership positions on campus or represent the college in any way. Disciplinary Probation is not reflected on the academic transcript.

Suspension – a defined period of time during which a student is not permitted to engage in any of the privileges, courses, organizations, events, or activities associated with being a student at Ursinus. During the period of suspension, a hold designating such will be placed on the student’s account prohibiting registration, enrollment, attendance, or ability to earn credit for any credit or non-credit courses offered by the College. A notation is placed on the academic transcript designating that the student is suspended for a specified period of time. Suspension also prohibits receipt of a degree or certificate from the College during this time. Suspension does not prevent a student from attending another college or university, transferring any otherwise qualifying credits back to Ursinus at a later date, or receiving copies of Ursinus transcripts reflecting academic credits previously earned. Once the period of suspension has been completed, the hold will be lifted from the student account, provided the student has completed any other requirements required prior to return. During the period of suspension, the student is also banned from Ursinus property unless otherwise stated.

Dismissal –the indefinite termination of a student’s status at the College. This prohibits engagement in any of the privileges, courses, organizations, events, or activities associated with being a student at Ursinus College. This does not prohibit the transferring of credits earned to another college or university, but the dismissal is designated permanently on the student’s academic transcript. Unless otherwise stated, the student is also indefinitely banned from Ursinus College property. This is the most egregious sanction that Ursinus College can impose upon a student.

Conditional Re-Enrollment – A hold is placed on the student’s account, prohibiting re-enrollment until certain activities or sanctions are completed. The student may also be under behavioral restrictions upon enrollment.

Restriction of Access or Privileges – Prohibition on accessing a specific area or building of campus, and/or prohibition from participating in certain activities. This sanction may or may not affect a student’s ability to take a specific course, but it typically allows for the pursuit of educational programs overall.

Ban from Campus – prohibition on accessing any Ursinus College property.

Individualized Sanctions

Individualized sanctions may be imposed in place of or in addition to standard sanctions. These sanctions are designed to maximize the learning of a specific student. Multiple individualized sanctions may be imposed, including but not limited to one or more of the following:

Alcohol Edu for Sanctions: This is an online module offered to students who violated the alcohol policy to learn more about how alcohol affects the body and strategies to reduce high-risk drinking.

Alcohol’s Impact Course: This one-hour course is offered to students who violated the alcohol policy to reflect on what matters to them and the impact of alcohol on themselves, their peers, and their community.

Influence of Cannabis Course: This one-hour course is offered to students who violated the drug policy to reflect on what matters to them and how marijuana has already or could impact their life in the future.

BASICS with Prevention and Advocacy: BASICS consists of two private sessions with a staff member that allows students time to reflect on their behavior and undergo a brief assessment related to substance use.

Reflective Activity: An activity designed to promote reflection by the student about behavior and its impacts. Examples can include: writing assignments, interviews, research projects. Completion will be based on fulfilling the objective requirements of the assignment, not on whether the student adopts or expresses a particular perspective or point of view.

Counseling Assessment: Documented completion of an assessment with a licensed care provider.

Restitution: Payment to a harmed party, such as repair or replacement of vandalized property.

Fine: Fines may be imposed for drug paraphernalia ($250 per item) and binge drinking ($500 per item or action)

No Contact Order: a directive that the parties refrain from having contact with one another, directly or through proxies, whether in person or via electronic means.

Community and/or College Service: Completion of a designated number of hours of service to the campus or community.

Meetings with College Resources: Meeting with a College employee or office to learn about resources offered to support students.

Alcohol and Other Drug Sanctions

In order for the College to align student conduct decisions with best practices in responding to matters related to alcohol and other drugs, the College has set minimum standard sanctions for alcohol and other drug policy violations. Minimum standard sanctions for alcohol and other drug violations are:

1 st time alcohol violation

  • Alcohol EDU for Sanctions online module
  • Disciplinary warning
  • Parent/Guardian notification (if possessing or consuming alcohol and under 21)

2 nd time alcohol violation

  • Alcohol’s Impact Course
  • Disciplinary probation (4 weeks)
  • Parent/Guardian notification (if possessing or consuming alcohol and under 21)

3 rd time alcohol violation OR severe alcohol violation, including but not limited to, ambulance called (non-Good Samaritan), severe public intoxication, and/or DUI

  • Disciplinary probation (8 weeks)
  • Parent/Guardian notification (if possessing or consuming alcohol and under 21)
  • Possible removal from housing

4 th time alcohol violation

  • Suspension
  • Substance Use Assessment
  • Parent/Guardian notification (if possessing or consuming alcohol and under 21)

Cannabis and Other Drugs
1 st time drug violation

  • Influence of Cannabis Course
  • Disciplinary warning

2 nd time drug violation OR possession or use of drugs

  • Disciplinary probation (8 weeks)
  • Parent/Guardian notification (if under 21)

3 rd time drug violation OR sale or distribution or drugs

  • Suspension
  • Substance Use Assessment
  • Parent/Guardian notification (if under 21)