Medical Amnesty Policy

Ursinus encourages students to seek medical assistance for those in need, including oneself. Sometimes, students are hesitant to seek medical assistance for fear that they may get themselves or others in trouble. The College has a policy of not pursuing disciplinary action against students in situations involving alcohol or drug use or possession at the time of help seeking for students who actively seek medical help for themselves or others, for students who provide help seeking assistance, or for students who accept medical help.

The College may pursue disciplinary action against the student(s) in rare circumstances:

  • When an Ursinus faculty, staff, or student-worker (while performing College duties) initiate help seeking.
  • In situations where more serious of significant alleged violations of the Code of Conduct other than alcohol or durg use, possession, or provision may have occurred.
  • In situations where a student has repeated incidents of alcohol or drug use or possession.
  • In situations where students are found to be encouraging excessive and/or dangerous alcohol consumption or drug use.

Requirements of students under this policy:

  • Involved students will be required to meet with a Student Affairs staff member who may issue educational requirements that may include, but are not limited to, alcohol and/or drug education, counseling, and/or a substance use assessment. Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern/response.
  • Failure to complete the educational assignments or treatment recommendations will result in disciplinary action.

In the Case of Medical Amnesty During Registered Events

In circumstances where a student or organization is found to be hosting a Registered Event where medical assistance is sought for an intoxicated guest, and the hosting organization or student contributed to the needed medical assistance by encouraging excessive and/or dangerous alcohol consumption or drug use, the hosting organization and/or student(s) may be held responsible for violations of the Code of Conduct.