Community Expectations & College Policies

Students are expected to uphold College policies in the pursuit of their educational objectives. The College reserves the right to set and communicate reasonable expectations as needed. The following are prohibited. Examples are provided to illustrate the specific prohibition and are not intended to be all-inclusive. Some incidents will result in multiple policy violations.

  1. Threat to another’s personal safety or conduct that intentionally or recklessly causes physical harm or that otherwise threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Physical violence
    • Threats
    • Bullying
    • Stalking
    • Hazing
    • Retaliation
  2. Risk of the safety of the campus community.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Possession or use of unlawful or unauthorized weapons
    • Use of items (including authorized items) aggressively or for violent purposes
    • Making a threat of violence (including verbal, written, or virtual communication).
    • Behavior that puts physical safety at risk, including but not limited to:
      • Possessing flammable chemicals or fireworks
      • Ignition or detonation of anything which could cause damage to persons or property or disruption by fire, smoke, explosion, noxious odors, stain, corrosion or similar means
      • Knowingly putting others at risk of a contagious disease
  3. Conduct that threatens the services of the College or the property of the College or others.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Misuse, theft, or unauthorized use of College services or property or the property of another.
    • Trespassing or unauthorized access to physical or virtual/cyber property or services of the College. Areas that are not considered public include rooftops, college infrastructure areas (including but not limited to utility tunnels, equipment rooms, maintenance shops, and storage areas), laboratories, and private offices.
    • Intentional destruction of/tampering with college property, including but not limited to: security equipment and signage.
    • Use of recreational or outdoor equipment indoors or reckless use of such equipment outdoors.
    • Having an animal in a campus building, other than in accordance with College policy and ADA laws.
  4. Disruption of any operation of the College, including but not limited to teaching, research, administration, technology, meetings or proceedings, or any other College activity.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Prohibiting or interfering with classroom instruction or College sponsored events.
    • Leading or inciting others to interrupt scheduled or normal activities within any campus building or area.
    • Obstructing the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on College property or at a College sponsored or supervised event.
    • Disruptive behavior
    • Hosting a disruptive gathering
  5. Illegal, unauthorized or irresponsible substance use.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Unlawful or unauthorized possession, manufacturing, use, purchase, and/or distribution of alcohol. Students may not sell, provide, or furnish alcohol to those under 21. No person under 21 years of age may possess or consume alcoholic beverages, under any circumstances.
    • Alcohol is not permitted in the First Year Centers at any time. Alcohol is not permitted in non-residence hall buildings or in outdoor spaces, except for events approved by the College. For more information, refer to Requirements for Registered Events.
    • Possessing or being in the presence of:
      • Alcohol, including beer, wine, liquor, or mixed drinks being consumed in a container larger than 16 ounces.
      • Grain alcohol
      • Alcohol transported or stored in a container larger than 1 gallon.
      • Binge drinking paraphernalia including but not limited to:
        • Kegs
        • Beer Balls
        • Beer Bongs
        • Common Source Containers such as a punch bowl or trash cans
        • Beirut, beer pong, or water pong tables
    • Irresponsible use of alcohol:
      • Binge drinking (i.e. “Shotgunning” or “Funneling” a beer)
      • Engaging in or organizing activities, games, and/or other behaviors designed for the purpose of rapid ingestion or abusive use of alcohol (e.g., use of binge drinking paraphernalia, keg stands, “around-the-world” parties, flip cup, quarters, beer/water pong, Beirut, power hour, beer die, and/or other alcohol consumption based on speed and/or volume, etc.
    • Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs/controlled substances.
    • Unlawful or unauthorized possession, manufacturing (or attempted manufacturing), use, purchase and/or distribution of illicit drugs, controlled substances (including stimulants, depressants, narcotics, or hallucinogenic drugs), cannabis, or paraphernalia.
    • Being in the presence of illicit drugs, controlled substances (including stimulants, depressants, narcotics, or hallucinogenic drugs), cannabis, or paraphernalia.
    • Illegal possession, use, or distribution of prescription medications.
    • Public intoxication
    • Smoking tobacco products, hookahs or vaporizing devices (including e-cigarettes) inside any College building or within 20 feet of any building exit.
  6. Dishonesty.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Providing false information in any form to any College official or office.
    • Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College record, document, or form.
    • Unauthorized distribution of copyrighted material.
    • Misrepresentation of one’s identity or misuse of the College’s copyrighted content and trademark.
    • Possession, use, manufacturing, and/or distribution of false identifications.
    • Plagiarism - More information available on the Academic Honesty page.
  7. Unauthorized or irresponsible use of College computer, network, or other technology system resources.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Unauthorized access or misuse of equipment, files, labs, or any other technological resource.
    • Violation of any College computing or technology policy, including but not limited to use of College technology resources to violate a law.
  8. Unauthorized use of personal electronic devices.
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Audio, photograph, or video recording of any person without person’s prior knowledge or consent. This includes recording in locker rooms or restrooms.
    • Audio, photograph, or video recording of any person when it is not permitted by law or College policy.
    • Use of a cell phone or other electronic device in a manner that disrupts educational activities, classrooms, offices, or other usual College operations.
  9. Failure to comply
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Failure to comply with the directions of an authorized College official or representative who is performing College duties, or law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duties.
    • Failure to comply with a communicated College policy or procedure.
    • Conduct that constitutes a violation of the student conduct process or any sanction imposed in accordance with this procedure.
    • Conduct that constitutes a violation of any College handbooks, program guidelines, rules, or regulations.
    • Violation of the registered event policy.
    • Refusing to evacuate a building or area under the direction of a college official or while a life safety device is alarming.
    • Failure to comply with federal, state, and local law.
  10. Tampering with a life safety device
    Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Pulling the fire alarm in a building when no such cause for the alarm exists.
    • Discharging a fire extinguisher without a fire present.
    • Removing or covering a smoke detector, heat detector, or carbon monoxide detector.
    • Damaging a fire extinguisher box or fire alarm pull station.
  11. Discriminatory Harassment
  12. Sex Discrimination, including Sex-based Harassment, Retaliation, and Related Misconduct