College Authority & Jurisdiction


The Dean of Students has the ultimate authority for interpretation of this Code, including the determination of a person’s status with the institution in a particular situation. The Director of Student Conduct serves as the primary investigator and decisionmaker for reports of code of conduct violations. The Dean of Students may also serve and designate additional College officials to serve the College in one or more roles in the student conduct process, including investigator, decisionmaker, appeals officer, and/or advisor.


A student’s action may be subject to the student conduct procedures whenever the student commits or attempts to commit a violation of the Student Code of Conduct on property belonging to, or under control of the College, or at an activity, function or event sponsored, or supervised by the College. If a student commits a violation of this Code while off-campus (including through technology or social media), the student’s behavior may be subject to the student conduct process if the behavior adversely affects:

  • the College community;
  • the mission or reputation of the College;
  • the ability of an individual member of the campus community to pursue an Ursinus College education and/or employment (including the creation of a hostile environment); or
  • a function or operation of the College.

When students engage in misconduct as members of a student organization, both the student(s) and organization may be held accountable.

A student charged with violating the Code of Conduct may not avoid the conduct process by withdrawing from the College. Student conduct proceedings may continue without the student’s participation, and/or a hold prohibiting further registration and/or release of transcripts may be placed on the student’s record at the discretion of the Dean of Students until the matter is resolved.