Student Handbook

The experience of living and learning with other students at Ursinus provides an educational opportunity that should parallel and enhance each individual’s academic work.

Students join with the faculty and staff of the college to form a community of learning. This community will only be as meaningful as its members choose it to be. Each community member should use mature reflection in balancing the varied, and sometimes competing, interests of personal rights and advancement with the rights and advancement of the community as a whole. Making the balancing of varied interests even more complex, the governing authorities of the Borough of Collegeville, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the United States have great influence over some important aspects of the Ursinus community. In addition, the interests of the citizens of Collegeville must be respected.

To foster a cooperative and educationally meaningful atmosphere on campus, the College has established the procedures and regulations that can be accessed through the navigation pane on the left. Individuals are responsible for complying with these procedures and regulations as a part of the creative task of living with others in the academic environment.

It is important for each student to understand that attendance at Ursinus is a privilege, not a right. The ultimate right to determine who should attend Ursinus rests with the College. The College reserves the right to amend all procedures and regulations at any time and for any reason, with or without notice.