Rain Garden Project

The Ursinus College Rain Garden Project is a manifestation of action beyond the classroom! Led by Dr. Finney, students in Plant Biology were tasked with drafting hypothetical rain garden installations where their multi-functionalities could shine through the rain. 

The culmination of the assignment motivated several students to carry out their work through preliminary meetings with Kate Keppen (Director of Sustainability), Steve Gehringer (Director of Facilities), and Heather Lobban-Viravong (Vice President for Inclusion and Community Engagement).

What’s New with the Project?

Initial steps to secure grants and other forms of funding for the project are currently underway. Beth Myers, Conservation Coordinator for Perkiomen Watershed Conservancy, and engineer Tim Woodrow of Woodrow & Associates have been essential advisors since the inception of the project. The current agenda is focused on developing a plan for a sample phase of the final site layout, for which resource acquisition and implementation may be feasible by the end of 2022.

Rain Gardern Image of site during rainfall. Rain Gardern Image of site during rainfall.

Rain Garden Foundation draft #1. Rain Garden Foundation draft #1.

In Partnership With:

              Ursinus College