In order to effectively study and take notes in class, it is important to know your learning style. The three main learning styles are Visual, Auditory, and Tactile.
You may find that different notetaking and study skills work better for you for different classes. Don’t be afraid to try different techniques!
More information about Study Skills & Note Taking:
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Tips on Effective Study Skills & Note Taking
When it comes to studying and note taking in college, it’s important to know what type of learner you are. There are three main types of learning styles: visual, auditory, or tactile. It is also possible to be a combination of these depending on the information you are studying. Visual learners can study best by rewriting their notes, highlighting, color coordinating, reviewing diagrams, pictures, and using graphic organizers and flash cards to study. Auditory learners study best by recording lectures (with professor permission) and replaying, quizzing oneself with a partner, and repeating phrases out loud. Tactile learners benefit from studying that involves movement. Activities such as pacing and reading, running on the treadmill while studying, and taping your foot are all examples of how tactile learners retain information best. Trying out all of these learning styles to see how you best retain information is helpful towards learning how to best prepare for an exam. You can always learn from from yourself as well! When exams are handed back, try to ask yourself what went wrong and how you can better take notes and prepare next time. College is a time when we are constantly learning about ourselves and from ourselves.
** Some resources made available from Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN with the permission of Rachel Kruzel, Assistive Technology & Accommodations Specialist**