Resources for Community Partners

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

First of all, thank you for your partnership, your support of our students, and the boundless energy, commitment, and value you provide to the community.  We at UCARE are committed to supporting the work of your organizations in whatever way best suits you!  

Here are some ways we can work together:

  • Advertise an opportunity or upcoming event on our website, social media, and/or weekly newsletter:  Please send us a detailed description of your opportunity or event and a photo or logo (if applicable) to  
  • Attend our annual Community Engagement Fair held each September. E-mail UCARE at for more information.
  • Host a group of students for a one-time service project: If you have any hands-on projects that require a lot of person-power to complete, we would be happy to bring a group of up to 50 students to spend a few hours working toward completing that project!  We are always looking for sites to include for the incoming class’s “Be the Change” service initiative (last Saturday in August) and our monthly Saturday Days of Service from September through April.
  • Host an on-campus workshop, information session, or educational event: We would love to have our community partners share their knowledge with students while recruiting new volunteers! 
  • Connect with a Faculty member to discuss partnership opportunities: UCARE can make the connection between your organization and Ursinus faculty whose academic and research interests align with your work.  Opportunities to host a community-based learning course, collaborate on research, and/or host an academic intern may be possible!
  • Have an idea that isn’t on this list?  Email  We would love to hear your ideas and find new ways to collaborate!