Community Engagement XLP
Community engagement is one of the ways that Ursinus students can explore the question, “What will I do?”
“How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”
- Anne Frank
Students who fulfill the XLP outside an academic department should begin the process by consulting with UCARE. Students are required to submit a two-page prospectus outlining how their program fulfills the learning goals of the XLP. Students will complete a minimum of 120 hours of community service and are required to keep a journal of their experience. Upon completion, students are required to present their work during the Celebration of Student Achievement (CoSA). This program can be completed over the course of one semester or over the course of one school year. All service hours must be completed at one community partner site and the hours must be validated by the site supervisor.
Further, students who participate in an intensive civic engagement program — either Bonner Leaders or Scholars in Service — will fulfill the XLP by virtue of their participation in one of these programs for a full academic year. Year-long participation in these programs satisfies the XLP because of the intensive service requirement (300 hours per year for Bonner; 150 hours per year for Scholars) and the reflection on the service that takes place weekly or biweekly in class settings.