Learning Circles
This program brings faculty and staff together to read, discuss, and reflect on a book of common interest. Topics range widely and vary from semester to semester.
Fostering dialogue
These small groups meet twice a month during the semester and set their own agendas and meeting times. Each group contains no more than 7 participants, to enhance relationship-building and ease scheduling. In turn, the TLI provides copies of the book/s in question, and asks for feedback from the group after the semester ends.
Unexpected connections
By bringing together faculty across the disciplines based on nothing more than faculty interest, this program encourages unanticipated collaboration and helps promote faculty relationships across campus.
The TLI Directors will invite faculty to join a Learning Circle before the start of each semester. All faculty are eligible to participate.
Past Learning Circle Texts
Writing Your Journal Article in 12 Weeks
The Spark of Learning: Energizing the College Classroom with the Science of Emotion
Sexism Ed
Small Teaching
Teaching What you Don’t Know
Universal Design in Higher Education
Digital Humanities for All
Engaging Ideas
Teaching Unprepared Students
The Flipped Classroom
Assessment Clear and Simple
Mentoring At-Risk Students Through The Hidden Curriculum Of Higher Education
What Our Stories Teach Us: A Guide to Critical Reflection for College Faculty
Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology out of Your Classroom will Improve Student Learning
Inquiry-Based Learning
Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia
Are We Being Interdisciplinary Yet?
Invisible Disabilities
Engaging Underrepresented Students: Implementation and Strategies