I. Mission and Goals
The mission of the Ursinus College Staff Assembly is to strengthen and promote campus unity, identify opportunities for improvement in the workplace, and create an environment of mutual respect and trust throughout the college community. The Staff Assembly gives staff a voice in the governance and enhancement of the campus community, contributing to communication and the fulfillment of institutional priorities and goals.
The goals of the Staff Assembly shall be:
- To provide opportunities for staff to participate in the governance of the college;
- To provide an avenue for staff to be informed and connected to issues and news related to all college constituencies;
- To foster respect and inter-departmental cooperation among the constituencies of the College;
- To recognize the contributions of the college staff; and
- To encourage professional development of the college staff.
II. Membership and Meetings
The Ursinus College Staff Assembly shall include all full-time and part-time employees of the College, other than student employees and persons employed by other entities.
The Staff Assembly shall ordinarily meet four times a year. Special meetings may be called by the Executive Board. Proper notice of all meetings shall be given to all members at least two weeks in advance.
Part of each meeting will be considered a Closed Session. These sessions will be closed to the President and Vice Presidents. The Closed Session is intended to allow staff to discuss matters of importance in confidence. The scheduling of Closed and Open sessions will be the responsibility of the Executive Board.
III. Officers
The officers of the Staff Assembly shall include a president, who shall serve as chair of the Executive Board; a Vice President, who shall serve in the absence of the president; a secretary, who shall be responsible for the minutes and records; and a treasurer, who shall be responsible for financial affairs and records. The officers are elected to terms of two years and are eligible to serve only two consecutive terms.
A vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Board from among its members. If no member of the Executive Board can fill the vacant office, a special election will be held by the Staff Assembly.
IV. Executive Board
The Executive Board serves as a liaison between the Staff Assembly and the college administration. The Board consists of the four Staff Assembly officers, plus four at-large members, who also shall serve as chairs of the standing committees. The officers and at-large members are elected by the Staff Assembly membership to terms of two years and may serve only two consecutive terms. The Executive Board shall meet as required to coordinate the work of the Staff Assembly and its committees and issues of interest or concern to the college staff. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the periodic assessment of its effectiveness and that of the Staff Assembly.
V. Standing Committees
The Standing Committees of the Staff Assembly shall include: Communications, Community Relations, Professional Development, and Staff Affairs. Other standing or ad hoc committees may be appointed by the President to meet the needs of the organization.
V. Review and Amendment of the Bylaws
The ratification of the Bylaws shall have the recommendation by the President of the College for approval by the Board of Trustees. The Executive Board shall be responsible for the periodic review of the Bylaws. Proposed amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any five members of the Staff Assembly or by the Executive Board and circulated to all members along with the notice of a meeting. Amendments to the Bylaws must be approved by two-thirds of the members attending and voting.