Equipment and Supplies


Equipment/Instrument (listed alphabetically)

Description and possible applications

Absolute Zero Apparatus

Useful for demonstrating absolute zero when teaching gas laws

Analytical Balances (Ohaus)

Accurate to 0.001 g


4-wavelength colorimeter measures the amount of light transmitted through a sample at a user-selectable wavelength to determine the concentration of a solution. One-step calibration make this sensor easy to use. Connects to LabQuest interface.

Comparison Microscope

Allows comparison between objects; see both objects in a split field of view; heavily used in forensics.

Compound Digital Microscopes

Liquid nitrogen for demos, when available

Density Blocks and Rods



Liquid nitrogen for demos, when available

Dynamic Carts


Electrophoresis power supplies and gel chambers 

(EC Apparatus)

Used for analyzing DNA fragments after exposure to restriction enzymes.  See DNA Fingerprinting lab.

Embryo Sets


Fingerprinting Kit

All supplies needed (dusting powders, brushes, lifting tape, fingerprint cards and inks, etc.) for students to collect their own fingerprints and document latent prints





Forelimb Sets


Fossil Sets


Fuel Cell Cars

Solar panels and artificial light sources can be used to split water into hydrogen and oxygen in a fuel cell.  H2 is then used as a fuel source to power a model car.  Zero emissions technology.



Gas Chromatograph (Vernier)

Uses room air as the carrier gas and capacitive detector to separate and quantify volatile organic mixtures.  GC is controlled by a LabQuest and can print wirelessly to a printer we provide.  Eight GC’s available.

Gas Tubes and Power Supplies

Provides a simple means of viewing gas discharge spectral lines with a hand-held spectrometer. This system has no exposed high voltage, and the gas tubes are permanently enclosed in plastic carriers that protect the tubes from breakage.

Glassware, misc. lab supplies

Beakers, graduated cylinders, flasks, etc.

Hook Weights


Hot air guns


Hot plate stirrers (Corning)

Simultaneously heat and stir

Infrared Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Spectrum II)

This single beam spectrometer scans light in the infrared range (550  4000 cm-1), and displays the scan on the laptop interface provided.  It is used to identify functional groups present in organic molecules. An ‘attenuated total reflectance’ (ATR) attachment eliminates the need for salt plates. Spectra can be printed with the printer provided.  Useful for plastic or fabric ID, or virtually any other organic compound.

LabQuest and LabQuest 2 (Vernier)

Standalone interface for collecting sensor data, with built-in graphing and analysis software. The large, high-resolution touch screen makes it easy and intuitive to collect and analyze data. You can print directly from LabQuests to printers provided. You can also use LabQuest 2 as a USB sensor interface with computers containing Logger Pro software (provided upon request).

LabQuest Sensors/Probes

Sensors used in conjunction with the Vernier LabQuests.


  • Ammonium Ion

  • Barometer

  • Blood Pressure

  • Calcium Ion

  • Carbon Dioxide

  • Charge

  • Chloride Ion

  • Colorimeters

  • Conductivity

  • Current Probes

  • Differential Voltage

  • Dissolved Oxygen

  • Dual Force

  • EKG

  • Flow Rate

  • Force Plates

  • Gas Pressure

  • GPS Sensor

  • Heart Rate Hand Grip Sensors

  • Light Sensors

  • Low-g Accelerometers

  • Magnetic Field

  • Microphones

  • Mini Gas

  • Chromatographs

  • Motion Detector

  • Nitrate Ion

  • ORP

  • Oxygen

  • pH

  • Photogates

  • Radiation

  • Respiration Belts

  • Soil Moisture

  • Sound Level Meters

  • SpectroVis

  • Spectrum Tube Power

  • Supply With 7 Gas Tubes

  • Temperature

  • Turbidity

  • UVA

  • UVB

  • Voltage

  • Watts Up

Lamotte Water Test Kit

Provides students hands-on experience performing tests on water from a variety of sources. Supplies provide non-hazardous testing for chlorine, copper, iron, hardness, nitrate, pH, phosphates, and temperature. Includes handbook.


Accurately measure and transfer liquids: 0.5 – 5 mL

Melting Point Apparatus (Mel-Temp)

Mel-Temps provide precise melting points for up to 3 samples at a time. Heat is uniformly conducted to capillaries and thermometer. Classroom set (12) of older Electrothermal Mel-Temps or new digital Vernier Melt-Stations is available.


Accurately measure and transfer liquids: 0.010 – 1 mL

Microscale Glassware Kits

Glassware kit containing glassware necessary for microscale synthesis.  Contents are similar to full-size organic glassware kits.

Molecular Model Kits

Model kit used as a manipulative for molecular structure and bonding.  Large teacher molecular model kit available for demonstration and instruction.

Picket Fences

Eight opaque bars spaced every 5 cm, silk-screened directly onto clear plastic. Drop the picket fence through a photogate to obtain records of position, velocity and acceleration vs time or to measure g.

Portable Tabletop Burners




Radiation Sources

Po-210, St-90, and Co-60 sources produce alpha, beta and gamma radiation, respectively.  Low levels of radiation produced do not require special handling license.

Reaction Plates




Sherlock Bones (skeletons)

Human skeletal remains that can be used to identify the age and race of deceased persons.

Shielding Kits

Collection of shielding materials (aluminum, lead, plastic, etc.) useful for investigating the penetrating power of different types of radiation.

Spec 20s

Spectrometer measures absorption or transmittance at a specific wavelength within the visible light range (400–800nm). It is generally used for Beer’s Law and color change experiments.

Spectroscope (STAR brand)

Handheld diffraction grating spectroscopes; used with flame tests or spectrum tubes

Stereo Digital Microscopes

Stereomicroscopes are valuable tools for the inspection or analysis of rough materials surfaces.


Various digital and non-mercury

Thin Layer Chromatography

Thin layer chromatography (TLC) uses a solid plate coated with a thin layer of adsorbent particles (stationary phase) placed in a solvent (mobile phase) to separate a small amount of sample.  Separation is qualitative and is dependent on varying physical and chemical composition.

UV Chromato-VUE Cabinet

Provides a darkroom environment for viewing materials. The viewport uses a contrast control viewing filter that protects the eyes from harmful shortwave radiation and blocks the “blue haze” associated with longwave UV.

UV Mineral Light Lamps


UV/Vis Spectrometer (Ocean Optics)

This spectrometer scans the absorbance or transmittance of light in both the ultraviolet and visible ranges (200nm-800nm), and displays the scan on the laptop interface provided.  It is generally used for Beer’s Law and color change experiments.

Visible Spectrometers (Vernier SpectroVis Plus)

Measure wavelengths from 380 nm to 950 nm and analyze results in full color. Can be used to obtain full absorbance spectrum. Connect directly to LabQuest or a computer USB port.

Water Baths