Breaks and Transportation
The Residence Life Office communicates detailed information to all students prior to each break.
College housing does not close during Fall Break, Thanksgiving Recess, or Spring Break, but students are strongly encouraged to leave campus during these times. Details about hours of operation during these breaks can be found on the Operating Hours webpage. Housing closes during the Winter Break, and only students required to be on campus for a college-sanctioned program are permitted to stay in the residence halls.
Local transportation options
Students looking for local transportation options may refer to the Ursinus College Zipcar Program, the SEPTA website for bus, subway, and regional rail schedules, and the Amtrak website for train schedules. More transportation information.
Looking for a more eco-friendly way to get around? Check out the Bike Share website at Ursinus.
For more information about breaks, including a list of this year’s hall closings, please see the Academic Calendar or Student Handbook.