

The Faculty Staff Dining Room located in the Wismer Center will be reserved on Wednesday evenings for community groups to meet free of charge. The expectation is that any event held in the space would be open to all members of the community-at-large and to the campus community. 




The venue will be open Wednesday from 5:00 to 9:00 pm. Please see full schedule posted online. 


Groups who would like to plan a meeting or event on campus can register using this web form.  Once onsite, guests will be asked to sign a one-time release waiver.


Community organizations can book one of two time slots - from 5:00 to 7:00 pm or from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. 


Guests should park in the Corson or Facilities lots located off of 5th Avenue. In the event of an emergency, contact Campus Safety at 610-409-3333.


Upper Wismer Dining Hall and Cafe 2020 are open! Hours for Upper Wismer meals are located on the website, and Cafe 2020 hours can be found here. 

Technical Support

Technical Support is not regularly available in the venue. Community members are welcome to use the self-serve technology in the space. 

Rights and Responsibilities of the College

  • Will maintain a calendar of scheduled community meetings.
  • Reserves the right for its employees and students to attend and participate in all meetings on school property.
  • Reserves the right to deny a reservation to an individual or group or to cancel Community Night in the unexpected event that a proposed meeting or topic conflicts with College mission or goals.
  • Prohibits the use of the Community Night Space for fundraising, canvasing, soliciting or the use of the Community Night facility by any for-profit organization or related organization for solicitation or canvassing purposes.
  • Corson 104 Suite