College Innovation Council

In 2023, President Hannigan formed this special council to invest in new strategic opportunities and priorities and to shepherd your ideas and help you bring them to life.

Overview & Objectives

The charge of College Innovation Council (CIC) is to develop a process for solicitation of initiatives and transformational ideas that would necessitate not only a pilot or test of the proposal but require cross-college collaboration and buy-in for full implementation.

We want you to think boldly and innovatively about projects that—when successfully implemented—will advance one or more of the three pillars of Quest for Success:

  • To prepare every student for success in their professional, civic, and personal lives through a transformational educational experience, and to provide every student with a personalized pathway to success.
  • To support and foster a genuine connection and pride for One Ursinus, and a sense of belonging within our college community.
  • To harness the power of external partnerships to attract students, raise the college’s reach and reputation, and foster investment from external stakeholders.

The Committee

Jennifer Fleeger (co-chair)

Ed Moorhouse (co-chair)

Talia Argondezzi

KC Boyle

Robert Dawley

Mallory Dubus

Gundolf Graml

Christine Iannicelli

Johannes Karreth

Mike Keaton

Kassie Martin-Wells

Alyssa Caffarelli Murphy

Tony Nadler

Molly Robbins

Current Funded Proposals

Pathways to Ursinus
Developing distinctive programming to welcome and attract neurodivergent students to Ursinus to provide them opportunities that help them thrive through their college experience.

Partnership for Just and Resilient Food Systems
This project will grow the Welcome Home Project by holding in-person meetings between delegations from the Delaware Tribe of Indians and Ursinus faculty and staff in the food studies minor, including at the Oklahoma headquarters of the Delaware Tribe.

Lifelong Learning Initiative
Expansion of Teagle-funded pre-baccalaureate program that would continue that program and bring it into senior living communities.

Bear Share: Meeting Student Needs Program
Envisioned as a free market designed on principles of community solidarity and gift economies. In essence a free thrift store, it is intended to support our campus community, build social relationships, address food insecurity and other needs, and achieve sustainability goals through reducing waste and increasing materials reuse.

Transfer Student Mentoring Program
Create and pilot a mentor program—specifically tailored to transfer students—that builds on the success of other peer-to-peer and mentoring programs at the college.

Demystifying Hidden Curriculum 
Develop, through focus group meetings, an inventory of “hidden curriculum” norms at Ursinus and then develop a workshop series that teaches students about these norms to enable all students to feel empowered and included on campus, driving their education as an equal partner.

Myrin Library will create a collection of books that has helped members of the community (students, faculty, staff and alumni) engage one or more of the four questions in the Quest curriculum and invite expressions demonstrating the impact that each book has had on their lives.

Guidelines for Submitting a Proposal

CIC is now accepting new proposals! Use the form below to submit by Feb. 16, 2024.

Proposals should clearly include outcomes directly tied to elements of the strategic framework:

  1. Student Success
  2. One Ursinus
  3. Harness External Engagement for Success

Alternatively, proposers may submit project ideas not directly tied to the strategic framework (a wild card category) but must still advance the mission and goals of the college.


Proposals may vary in scale, budget, and required resources. Please consider and define project scale as defined below.


Total Allocation (out of $40K)

~Number funded

Flagship ($5K-$20K)


1 - 4 projects

Discovery ($1K-$5K)


3 - 15 projects

Explorations (<$1K)


5 - 50 projects

Proposal Submission Form

All fields marked with asterisk (*) are required.

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required e-mail address field
Please provide one email address for confirmation email
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Does your project align with one of the pillars of the strategic framework?*
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required radio button field
Which funding category do you envision your project fitting?*
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You also have the option below to upload documents if that is more convenient.
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textarea field
If you are building upon an existing project, do you have any available data on the results thus far?
file attachment field
(50 MB max)
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(50 MB max)