You should only apply to one program per term (i.e. there is no need to apply to a second program as a “back-up”).
Create an account on our online application site and choose a secure password. Be sure to fill in all the Profile sections listed (Academic Info, Program Preferences, Current Address, etc.).
Go to the interactive world map and click on the desired world region and then click on your host country.
Scroll down your host country page to view the list of our partner programs. Under your desired term, click on Apply next to your chosen program. This will give you access to the application for that specific program and term.
Under My Applications you will see your application status. Look under the “Online Forms” column. The internal application includes several forms: Enrollment Information, Faculty Recommendation, Learning Goals, Statement of Student Responsibility, Unofficial Transcript, and Proposed Course of Study. “0 out of X” indicates how many forms are linked to that specific application, and how many of those forms you have filled out. Thus, you need to click on this (0 / X) link in order to see a list of the forms you need to fill out. Then, click on each form name and fill it out completely.
You need only enter the name and email of your faculty recommender (not submit a formal letter). This will prompt a simple electronic form to be sent to your recommender to fill out.
You can upload a copy of your unofficial transcript as found on Grizzly Gateway.
All forms must be filled out in order for your application to be considered complete. Note, however, that until the recommender completes the form, it will appear as incomplete. You should remind him/her to submit the form, but as long as you gave your recommender advance notice, you are not responsible if it is not submitted by the application deadline.