First Year Advising

First-Year Advisers support students in their transition from high school to college.  Faculty members from all the disciplines serve as First-Year Advisers and help students understand the value of the liberal arts curriculum.

Students meet with their First-Year Adviser during Spring Orientation and select courses for the fall semester. During August Orientation, First-Year Advisers meet with students to review fall schedules, make any needed changes, answer any last minute questions, and establish their plan for fall semester communication.  First-Year Advisers guide students through their first semester and assist students in declaring their majors early in the second semester.

Institute for Student Success News

$2 Million in Philanthropy Invests in Student Success

The Samuel Darrow Lord ’62 and Carol-Ann Teresa Lord Endowed Student Retention Fund ($1 million) and the Frances Rose Sternberg ’52 and Rolf Sternberg ’53 Endowment Fund ($780,000) will help create new cohort-based programs and campus-wide support networks for students, with the goal to foster retention and enhance personal achievement.

Read the full story