Institute for Student Success

The Institute for Student Success is responsible for developing persistence, self-awareness, and independence in all students as they work toward their academic and personal goals. 

Institute Goals:

  • Lead campus-wide retention initiatives.
  • Develop and implement research-based retention strategies for the College.

  • Advance student agency, engagement, and autonomy.

  • Increases persistence and graduation rates for all Ursinus students across demographics and cohorts.
  • Create efficiency and clarity for faculty, staff and students regarding the College’s student support services.
Institute for Student Success News

$2 Million in Philanthropy Invests in Student Success

The Samuel Darrow Lord ’62 and Carol-Ann Teresa Lord Endowed Student Retention Fund ($1 million) and the Frances Rose Sternberg ’52 and Rolf Sternberg ’53 Endowment Fund ($780,000) will help create new cohort-based programs and campus-wide support networks for students, with the goal to foster retention and enhance personal achievement.

Read the full story

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Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.