
We can help you with all of your printing needs. Faculty and Staff have access to departmental printers, students have access to pay for print printers located on campus, and poster printing is available for course and academic purposes.

Campus Printing for Students

Pay For Print

Campus Printing for Faculty & Staff

Departmental Printers

Poster Printing

Poster Printing
We can print a poster for your academic presentations.


Printing Charges:

Black and White: 7 cents per page
Color: 18 cents per page

5 Smart Stations Across Campus

Retrieve print jobs at any one of these locations:

  • Myrin Library
  • Pfahler/IDC (main floor where Pfahler and the IDC intersect)
  • Olin Hall lobby
  • Upper Wismer
  • Floy Lewis Bakes (near Fitness Center and juice bar)