Student Employment on Campus

Working on campus is a great option because college employers are often more flexible about scheduling your work hours around your class schedule, and transportation and travel time are seldom a problem.

Getting a Job on Campus

Students should apply for a position using the link below. Once hired, you will receive emails with next steps to complete an Employment form and to get you into the payroll system. You will need to bring original identification for the I-9 form to the Human Resources Office.

Student Jobs on Campus

Student Employment Forms

A Student Employment Form must be filled out for every job you have on campus. For example, if you are working in three different jobs, then you must complete three student employment forms. IMPORTANT: you cannot get paid for working in your particular campus job until Payroll, located in the Human Resources Office, has a completed Student Employment Contract for your position. This process will be completed online once you apply for the position.

Timesheets via Oracle

Completion of a student employment form, along with any other required documents, will enter you into the Oracle system so that you can complete a timesheet for each position that you hold on campus.

Timecard Guidebook