College Work Rules
The orderly and effective administration of the College requires that all employees follow rules and proper standards of conduct at all times.
Rules and standards are necessary to protect the safety and health of all employees and to maintain the goodwill and reputation of the College. An employee who fails to abide at all times by proper standards of conduct or who violates work rules will be subject to disciplinary action, including discharge.
The following acts are prohibited and will be cause for immediate discharge:
1. Possessing, using or selling illegal drugs in College facilities or on College property. Ursinus complies with the applicable legislation regarding a drug-free workplace;
2. Deliberate damage to, or theft of College property or the property of other employees or students;
3. Possessing or carrying weapons, explosives or incendiary material, concealed or openly, in College facilities or on College property;
4. Willfully restricting, slowing down, or abandoning work assignments;
5. Willfully disclosing confidential College information to other person.
The following acts are serious and will be cause for disciplinary action up to and including discharge:
1. Threatening, intimidating, coercing, fighting or interfering with other employees and/or supervisors at any time on College property. Harassment of any nature, including sexual harassment, of any employees, supervisors or students.
2. Refusing to obey orders of supervisors or their assigned representatives;
3. Deliberately falsifying College records including, but not limited to, employment applications, academic files, financial statements, time cards (your time records, or those of another) or absence, sickness or injury forms; submissions of any false reports regarding time worked or work completed;
4. Safety violations including, but not limited to, failure to wear prescribed safety equipment or clothing; the violation of safety rules and procedures that would endanger yourself, another individual, or College property; failure to wear seat belts as a passenger in or while operating a College vehicle;
5. Frequent lateness or absenteeism;
6. Working under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs or intoxicants which make you unfit or unable to perform your assigned duties;
7. Use of a College vehicle or other property for personal use without specific authorization. Acceptance of personal gifts.
The following actions are less serious and will be cause for progressive disciplinary action:
1. Excessive time away from your work location; leaving work site during working hours without the permission of your supervisor; working less than your assigned time without permission of your supervisor;
2. Sleeping, wasting time, loitering or gambling during working hours;
3. Low productivity or quality of work after being given reasonable opportunity to improve;
4. Unauthorized solicitation, distribution or posting of written, printed, or other published material on College premises without management approval;
5. Failure to limit smoking to authorized areas.
The College will, when it deems necessary and appropriate, establish or modify guidelines or govern employee conduct to preserve the working environment enjoyed by all employees.
Depending upon duration and seriousness of violations of these work rules, disciplinary procedures, including oral warning, written warning, suspension (with or without pay) and discharge will be applied.