Personal Leave

A Personal Leave of Absence for reasons other than personal health may be granted at the College’s discretion to full-time employees who have completed their probationary period.

Such leave will normally not be greater than 30 days and will be unpaid.

All benefits are discontinued in this period. Employees on personal leave may elect to continue participation in the insured benefit programs at their own expense during a personal leave of absence.

Requests for personal leave of absence must be in writing. Every effort will be made to reinstate employees returning from personal leave in their former positions, or ones similar, if available.

If you were engaged in any gainful employment during your personal leave, you may forfeit your re-employment privilege. The College reserves the right to fill the position of any employee on leave of absence after two months’ absence. If it is necessary to fill a position, an individual returning from personal leave may be required to wait for an available opening.