Faculty-Sabbatical Leave

Sabbatical leaves are granted to allow faculty members to engage in scholarly activity that will contribute to the long-term effectiveness of the individual as a teacher and as a scholar at Ursinus and in the academic profession.

Sabbatical leaves are approved by the Dean in consultation with the President, based on recommendations of the Faculty Development Committee.

Requests should be filed one year in advance of the year of the anticipated leave.  A call for applications is sent from the Office of the Dean of the College and provides guidelines as outlined in the Faculty Handbook.

A sabbatical leave may be granted for either one-half year at full salary or a full year at one-half regular salary.  If you are uncertain of your eligibility for a sabbatical leave, please check with the Dean’s Office.

The faculty member must agree to return to Ursinus College for at least one full year following a sabbatical leave.

A faculty member on full-salary leave may not be gainfully employed during the period of the leave.  A faculty member on half-salary leave may be gainfully employed during the period of a sabbatical leave with Board approval.  This employment should be related to professional advancement; however, exceptions may be granted.

The online Faculty Handbook provides additional information about sabbatical leaves and sabbatical leave applications. Please email the Dean’s Office if you have questions about any part of the application process.