Breathe - Stretch - Meditate
Each recorded video of the Breathe-Stretch-Meditate series will be added here so keep checking back for more each week.
Feel free to watch these short videos from your chair, floor, or bed and alter the movements to what works best for you.
Spring 2023
Video 1: Introduction to breathing, stretching, and meditating (27 min)
Video 2: Body Scans: breathing into and moving our body with breath (25 min)
Video 3: Extended Exhale breathing, full body movement, and meditation for focus (26 min)
Video 4: Breathing with gratitude, seated and standing stretches, and an uplifting meditation (28 min)
Video 5: Energetic breathwork, seated heat-building movement, and meditation for energy (26 min)
Video 6: Breathwork, shoulder & upper body stretching, and loving-kindness meditation (28 min)
Video 7: Ocean-like breathing, full-body stretches, and visualization meditation at the beach (28 min)
Video 8: Deep 3-part breath, seated stretches from head to toe, and a self-love meditation (27 min)
Video 9: Listening to our body as we mindfully breathe, stretch, and meditate (24 min)
Video 10: Pride Week! Breathe, stretch, and meditate on the colors of the pride flag (29 min)
Video 11: Extended exhale and body scan, movement, and Soul Questions meditation (24 min)
Video 12: Breathwork, upper back and shoulder stretches, and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (24 min)
Video 13: Deep breathing, simple stretching, and an Insight Meditation with Visualization (22 min)
Fall 2024 Videos
Video 1: 2 breathing techniques, 6 movements of the spine, and Visualization on Goals (24 min)
Video 2: Tips for deep breathing, fluid spinal movements, and a meditation on the ocean (19 min)
Video 3: 4-Square breath, hip & upper back stretches, and meditating on the 4 Soul questions (25 min)
Video 4: Present moment breathing, intuitive movement, and a gratitude meditation (24 min)
Students: During Spring 2024, there is free in-person YOGA every Wednesday from 7-8pm in the Gymnastics Room in FLB and REIKI HEALING every other Sunday from 7-8pm in the Bears Den and on Zoom - check out this recording of Reiki to get a sense of it. Check the Calendar to register to get Zoom link.
Employees: There will be free 10 minute Chair Massages on Jan 31, April 10, and May 8 from 12pm-1pm from Just Be Wellness Center. A sign up sheet was sent via email.
Reach out to if you missed it.