For Parents

As a parent, your goals align with our mission - to empower students to become independent, responsible, and thoughtful leaders.

College students are emerging adults and learn through experience and living on their own. Heading to college is a big transition for parents, not just students. As parents figure out how to share expectations and support their students from a distance, we want to offer parents some advice and guidance that we’ve learned along the way. 

Top Tips

Join MyUrsinus: Family Connection

If you aren’t already in the family portal, join now to access the Family Orientation Hub and stay connected to Ursinus year-round by clicking here: 

Download this App

Created by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) called Talk: They Hear You for parents about talking to their kids about alcohol and other drugs - and equips parents with the necessary skills, confidence, and knowledge to start and continue these conversations as their kids get older.

Coming to campus for the game? Check out our Tailgating Tips

Help your student know all the relevant federal and state laws and UC policies