For Coaches

We share the same goals - to empower students to become independent, responsible, thoughtful leaders. Let’s work together to ensure students thrive!

The following are services offered year-round to coaches and teams.

Required Team Training

Each year, every team will undergo a personalized training session connecting leadership among the team to leadership in a social setting. This will vary each year and include topics such as recognizing high risk behaviors like hazing, substance use disorder, and sexual misconduct - and focus on the impact of wellness, alcohol and drugs on performance. The session utilized a proven effective technique called Group Motivational Enhancement and requires a survey to be completed by each athlete every other year - Fall 2024 IS a survey year.

To request a training, contact Katie Bean directly or email

Private consultations regarding student-athlete concerns

To consult with the Director, email Katie Bean at

Well-Being Workshops By Request

From Staff:

Workshops on any well-being topic can be scheduled based on interest. The preference is to have teams request peer-led workshops listed below unless you are requesting Allies of Recovery Training.

If you have an athlete who has a substance use disorder, our office can provide Allies of Recovery Training for the team and coaches to ensure everyone can support each other This is a 2-hour training and covers the definition and criteria of substance use disorder, the potentional causes/correlations found in research, many pathways to recovery, and options and strategies for how to be a supportive person. This is also offered campus-wide 2-3 times a semester.

From Student Peer Educators:

UCrew Peer Educators are trained to facilitate dialogue and want to come to your team meeting! Check out the Workshop Request Form to submit your interest. The workshops are:

  • Developing Healthy Habits
  • How to Avoid Burnout
  • BAC on the Brain
  • Be the Change: Bystander Intervention Workshop