Interconnected 6 aspects of individual wellness

Services & Resources

Ursinus College is committed to providing an environment that embeds health into all aspects of campus life and promotes healthy lifestyles for all.

There are 6 dimensions of health that are all intertwined and impact one another. Students should consider ways to balance their lifestyle and habits within all 6 dimensions. See below for a sampling of UC resources that would fall under each category. 

Resources for Basic Needs

Many students need support getting their basic needs met so we have a variety of resources that might help across campus:


A free market of clothes, accessories, home goods, and more that pops up as an event throughout the year. Join their mailing list to know when and where!

Community Closet

Free business clothes to help you prep for that interview or event. Located in Myrin 033.


Financial support and emergency fund available to all students.

Bear Necessities

Free personal care and hygiene products. Stop by the ISS in Lower Wismer to see their stash! Open M-F 9am-5pm and Saturdays 1-3pm.