82% of event directors have 0 drinks when serving in their role

Event Director Program

Ursinus College empowers students to take responsibility for their environment including when socializing.  It is up to each and every individual to make good choices regarding their social behaviors and recognize the impact of their actions or inactions on their community. 


We all must follow the guidelines and expectations to ensure the health and safety of our entire campus community:

All students should be educated on the policies and guidelines regarding registered events with alcohol and should understand the following:

  • While all students are invited to participate in social gatherings, only those 21+ are permitted to possess or consume alcohol.
  • Event Directors are trained on leadership and liability to be able to register and host events with alcohol in the residence halls. One or two event directors will be at the door of the event and another one or two event directors will be circulating the event. All event directors will be present, sober, and visible by wearing a yellow bandanna. They will be available throughout the event should any issues arise. 
  • Every space on campus (and in our entire country) always has a fire code max occupancy limit. These numbers will be placed inside the door to every event space next to the policy reminders poster. Event Directors are trained to manage the headcount and ensure the event does not become overcrowded while also being welcoming and inclusive. This is a difficult balance for anyone to manage. Please trust that if an Event Director asks you to come back later or wait in a line to go into the event, it is simply to ensure the health and safety of everyone by following this policy and law. 
  • Registered events end at 12am on Thursday nights and 1am on Friday and Saturday nights in both Reimert and Main Street Houses. Quiet hours begin across campus at 2am on the weekends. When Event Directors attempt to close down an event, be respectful of their requests to quietly head home. 
  • All registered events must provide food and non-alcoholic drinks for guests to ensure options for all are available and to mitigate risk for those who choose to drink alcohol.  If you are unsure where the food or non-alcoholic drinks are, ask the Event Director. 
  • The Reimert Courtyard is not your living room and it is not a space for registered events. While students are welcome to socialize anywhere on campus, they also may be asked to disperse at any time if a crowd becomes loud or unruly. 
  • Students hosting unregistered events or found violating any other aspect of the Student Code of Conduct will be subject to the student conduct process.

Student Code of Conduct 

As always, underage students found possessing or consuming alcohol will be documented and subject to the student conduct process.

Students who are 21 years or older may consume alcohol in their residence hall or during registered events. 

No one is permitted to become publicly intoxicated regardless of their age. Those consuming alcohol are expected to be civil and respectful at all times. Physical violence, threats, sexual harassment or assault, bullying, or hazing of any time will not be tolerated. Campus Safety is available to ensure your safety.

Reach out anytime: 610-409-3333 or use the Mobile U App to connect with an officer.

Per the Student Code of Conduct, purposeful binge drinking through binge drinking games and binge drinking paraphernalia are not permitted at any time. Any game where alcohol is consumed competitively and/or quickly is considered a binge drinking game.

We recognize student’s desire to socialize and learn how to navigate the social environment in a mature and responsible way. Those who need help understanding their own limits are encouraged to meet with Health Promotion staff to learn what will work best for them in a safe, private, educational conversation.

Email healthpromotion@ursinus.edu to set up an appointment.

Want to be a Certified Event Director?

Event Directors are trained student leaders who are allowed to host events with alcohol on campus. Their role is a critical one as they are trained on leadership and liability and serve their community by ensuring everyone is healthy and safe and having a good time. We could not allow events with alcohol to take place on campus without Certified Event Directors - so thank you for your service!

All eligible* Event Directors are invited to the Event Director Training 2024-2025 Canvas Course.

Once someone accepts that invitation, they can read the instructions, then watch the short videos on law, policy, and safety reminders then complete the quizzes that follow. Once a student watches the videos, and then passes each short quiz with 80% or higher, they are invited to sign up for an in-person training.

*Eligible Event Directors are sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are not first semester transfer students. If you fall into this category but did not receive an email to join the Canvas Course, reach out to Health Promotion at healthpromotion@ursinus.edu 

Eager to learn about the culture of Registered Events at UC?

First years will learn about it during Orientation but if you would like a workshop for your club/team/hall/group, just reach out!

We’d love to come to you with Everything you need to know about registered events workshop!

Katie Bean

Director, Health Promotion