Heath Promotion

We envision a community of students, faculty and staff who make thoughtful and responsible decisions in regard to their overall wellness leading to enhanced well-being for people, places, and the planet.

The Health Promotion Office empowers students to live healthy lifestyles through education, prevention work, and advocacy efforts within all six dimensions of wellness. These outreach efforts empower students to become independent, responsible, and thoughtful leaders.

The Office engages with all community members to develop moral courage, social responsibility, and healthy decision-making to create a respectful and safe living-learning environment.


How are you taking care of yourself chart

Online Wellness Courses

All incoming students (freshmen and transfers) are required to complete the Online Wellness Course. This course has 5 modules, each of which will be emailed directly to students on their Ursinus email account. For new students, the course will be due in August before classes begin.

All upperclassmen students are required to complete ongoing wellness modules and the topics change each semester. Check your UC email to get ahead and complete before classes begin; due in September.

Questions? Reach out to Katie Bean, kbean@ursinus.edu or call 610-409-3562.


Health Promotion News

2nd Annual Suicide Prevention Walk

Last year, Ursinus hosted its first Out of the Darkness Suicide Prevention Walk bringing together over 200 people and raising over $27,000! Save the date for April 21 at 10am and let’s see if we can top that this year!  Register here and see the Calendar Event here for more information.

Read the full story

2023 Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention: Safety, Well-being, Inclusion 2023 Campus Prevention Network Seal of Prevention: Safety, Well-being, Inclusion

For Students

For Faculty/Staff & Coaches

The Hive - next to the Wellness Center