Renovations and Repairs

Building updates are planned and added to a master Capital Project list based on space, age, and condition.


Do you have a broken window or a drawer that just won’t open or water dripping from your ceiling?   Facilities Services provides maintenance services for the campus.  Please let us know whenever you see something broken.   There are only a few of us in facilities taking care of over one million square feet of campus buildings so please do not assume we know about something broken and let us know about it.

Response to work requests is prioritized based on urgency and importance.  A life safety issue is both urgent and important and will get immediate response.   Hanging a picture is probably neither urgent nor as important as a life safety issue so a several week response is appropriate.  When making a work request please let Facilities know if there are circumstances which make your request more important or urgent than we would typically assume.


Building updates are planned and added to a master Capital Project list based on space age and condition.   Priorities are set using various criteria including life safety and programmatic need.  The list is reviewed by the college’s senior leadership during the budget cycle and individual projects are submitted to the Board of Trustees for approval as part of the budget package.  Funded projects will move to design or construction, based on complexity.

Requests for space modifications should be made through department heads and then to the Facilities Services Office.  Facilities will add the requests to the master Capital Projects list for senior leadership consideration