Other Services

Bunk Bed Pins

Want to bunk your room beds?  Please obtain pins from facilities to safely bunk beds.  Pins vary depending on bed frame manufacturer so please let the Facilities person helping you know in what building you live so you are provided with the correct pins for safely bunking your beds.


The college partners with an outside contractor for campus cleaning. Cleaning is performed on a set schedule to maintain spaces adequately for living and learning.  Project cleaning such as carpet shampooing and floor waxing is performed during breaks.  Please contact Cleaning Services if you have a special or specific cleaning requirement or need to report a cleaning deficiency.


Residence hall washing machines and dryers are provided and serviced by an outside contractor.  These are mechanical devices that occasionally fail.  Please follow the machine instructions for top performance and reliability.  If you experience a machine problem, please contact the Residence Life Office for repairs at extension 3590.

Window Screens

If you need a window screen and one is not in your room, they are available in the Facilities Services Office.

Event Support

College events are coordinated by the Events Office Facilities Services provides support for events including tables and chairs, pipe and drape, podium and risers.  Support requests for larger events will be submitted to facilities by the specific event planners.  Please submit a work order directly to the Service Response Desk if you are only needing a few tables and chairs or podium or something small.

Service Response Desk
Phone: 610-409-3598
Fax: 610-409-3677

Work Order Request