Typically Approved Accommodations

Review the list below to see some of our typically approved accommodations at the college level. 

IMPORTANT: This list does not include all accommodations that can be approved by Disability and Access and not all students are eligible for all the accommodations below. Accommodation approvals are handled on an individualized basis and link directly with functional impacts discovered through the accommodation request process. Reasonable accommodations may not interfere with essential requirements* in a course.

Academic Accommodations
  • Alternatives to in-person / live presentations
  • Use of assistive technology
  • Flexibility in attendance (for disability-related flare ups) 
  • Flexibility in deadlines (for disability-related flare ups) 
  • Preferential seating
Testing Accommodations
  • Extended time on exams
  • Distraction-reduced environment
  • Use of computer / laptop for short answer or essay questions
Residential Accommodations
  • Single room
  • Central air conditioning
  • Proximity bathroom (including single-use)
  • Emotional support animal

*What are essential requirements? Essential requirements refers to what the professor, as the expert in their class, deems as the necessary material or skills for a student to adequately pass the course. Reasonable accommodations may not exceed essential requirements. 

  • Example: “alternatives to live presentations” may not be a reasonable accommodation in a public speaking course, as it directly interferes with the skill being taught and refined.
  • Example: “flexibility in deadlines” may not be applicable when the professor engages in peer review (e.g., the student would need to have their draft ready for the in-class activity).