What counts as documentation?
Please review the following information for more clarity on what types of documentation can be submitted to Disability and Access.
IMPORTANT: This list may not include all types of acceptable documentation. If you are not sure that you have the necessary support for your request, we can discuss that with you during the accommodation request process.
Academic Accommodations
- Previous high school supports: 504 plan, Individual Education Plan (IEP), Summary of Performance (SOP), history of Response to Intervention (RtI)
- Previous college supports: list of approved accommodations at previous institution(s), letter from disability professional at previous institution(s)
Notes from therapists, primary doctors, psychiatrists, specialists, or counselors
- Notes should include the student’s diagnosis, their functional impacts, the recommended accommodation(s), and how the recommendation addresses the functional impacts
- Psychoeducational diagnostic reports
- ODA’s health care provider form
Residential Accommodations
Notes from therapists, primary doctors, psychiatrists, specialists, or counselors
- Notes should include the student’s diagnosis, their functional impacts, the recommended accommodation(s), and how the recommendation addresses the functional impacts
- If requesting a single room: note should also include health care provider’s perspective on the potential effects of isolation on disability-related impacts. Information about frequency of counseling, support networks, and coping strategies is always helpful!
- ODA’s health care provider form
- ODA’s emotional support animal policy and documentation requirements