CIE Essay Contest
Celebrating CIE writing and writers!
Each year from 2016-2019, the CIE program held a CIE Essay Contest. A committee of CIE faculty and Writing Fellows selected winners based on how well the submissions met the CIE writing goals:
- Construct clear, articulate, and compelling arguments and ideas.
- Thoughtfully analyze and effectively use at least one of the CIE readings.
- Explore (implicitly or explicitly) any of the central CIE questions in creative and meaningful ways.
Past Winners
Gabbie Pitt, “Between the Mind and Body”
Joanna Timmerman, “Inclusivity in Higher Education Core Curricula: Cultivating Justice in the Classroom”
Britney Dyszel
Shayna Kushner, “What It Means to ‘Take a Knee’”
Thea Pastras, ”Us Too? The #MeToo Movement and Its Critics”
Matthew Paulus
Garrett Bullock (1st place), “Angel of Whom?”
Annika Phillips (2nd place), “Art and Rebellion in Medea and Pleasantville”
James Harkness (3rd place), “The Repercussions of Having a Body”
Madison Moses (honorable mention), “Subject: A Dose of Reality”