Higher Education Resources
Academic 360
Collection of Internet resources that have been gathered for the academic job hunter.
Academic Employment
Search for teaching jobs in schools and universities, school administrator jobs and higher education teaching and academic jobs of all sorts.
The Chronicle of Higher Ed
News, information, and jobs for college and university faculty members and administrators.
College Student Educators (ACPA)
Undergraduate students can join and receive online access to ACPA publications, the Journal of College Student Development and About Campus. Also has a searchable database of jobs in higher education.
Higher Ed Jobs
One of the largest job databases focused exclusively on college and university positions.
Higher Education Recruitment Consortium
Through the sharing of information and resources, the NJ/Eastern PA/DE HERC aims to support member institutions in attracting outstanding faculty, administrators, and staff.
Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education (NASPA)
Info for students who are considering a career in student affairs. “The Placement Exchange” is a great way to get connected with employers in higher education