Gap Year Faith Based Resources
Participants in our service Corps program live out and deepen their commitments to social change and Jewish life through a year of full-time work at anti-poverty organizations in Chicago, New Orleans, New York, and Washington, DC.
Brethren Volunteer Service
Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) is a program that gives individuals a chance to advocate for justice, work for peace, serve human needs, and care for creation in a variety of settings in the United States and other countries. Since 1948, volunteers have served through BVS for a year or more, giving their time and skills to help a world in need. Although volunteers may not immediately solve deep-rooted problems, they can be part of on-going solutions.
Catholic Network of Volunteer Service
Catholic Network of Volunteer Service (CNVS), established in 1963, is a non-profit membership organization of 200 domestic and international volunteer and lay mission programs.
Episcopal Service Corps
For over 20 years the Episcopal Service Corps has invited men and women in their 20s to engage in meaningful work at paid internships while living in Christian community. Whether harvesting organic celery in southern California, rebuilding homes in New Orleans, tutoring kids in New York City, or working with a youth in Boston, Episcopal Service Corps volunteers live out their faith while serving the deepest needs of over 20 communities across the United States. This video offers a good overview of what the experience is like.
Francis Corps
A Franciscan Lay Volunteer Experience for Catholic men and women, 21 - 25 years of age willing to live simply in community with other volunteers, share common prayer, and participate in reflection groups about volunteer experiences.
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) Internship Program The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) is a Quaker lobby in the public interest that seeks to bring the concerns, experiences, and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) to bear on policy decisions in the nation’s capital. FCNL offers internship opportunities in legislative program work, grassroots advocacy and communications. Internships usually last about 11 months, during which time a subsistence level salary, health coverage, monorail stipend, and paid vacation and sick leave is provided.
JDC Jewish Service Corps
One-year volunteer opportunity for individuals with a strong Jewish background and a passion for transmitting it to others to serve and take part in the life of a Jewish community overseas.
Lutheran Volunteer Corps
A national volunteer service program, partners with full-time volunteers and over 100 social justice organizations and ministries in twelve cities in the United States. In addition to working for justice, LVC Volunteers live together in intentional household communities of 4-7 people, deepen their spirituality, and encourage simple, sustainable living.
Mercy Corps
Lay women and men of Mercy Volunteer Corps, enter into relationships with people who are economically poor or marginalized. In a spirit of mutuality, volunteers cultivate mercy and justice in the world by embracing compassionate service, social justice, spirituality and a simple lifestyle in community.
Quaker Information Center This resource provides and extensive list of gap year and internship opportunities at Quaker and Non-Quaker organization.
Quaker Voluntary Service
QVS is a year of service program that combines transformative service, intentional community, and spiritual and personal development all within the context of the Quaker tradition.
St. Vincent Palotti Center
The Mission of the St. Vincent Pallotti Center is to inspire volunteer service, to strengthen the faith of those who are serving or have served, and to help volunteers build community. Includes a directory of volunteer opportunities (“Connections.”)
Vincentian Service Corps
The Vincentian Service Corps is a faith-based service organization. Our members serve in Vincentian ministries, such as healthcare, social services, and many schools and educational programs to improve the lives of those in need.